Wednesday, December 5, 2012

TeraBrite-In Honor of Her Heart

This video, In Honor of Her Heart by TeraBrite (D.J. Monopli & Sabrina Abu-Obied) is a 3:43, released November 15, 2012. I've been wanting to talk about this band for a long time on Blogger & I chose this video in particular because they do a lot of covers, but this is there most recent original, & they take forever with they're original songs, but they came out with this one quick because Gibson guitars just came out with the first guitar that can tune itself, & they asked TeraBrite to create an original song & video using the Gibsion guitar to use to make the song & to show how it works in the video.The last thing I love about this song is that its they're best original so far; its a beautiful song. The video its self uses a lot gray, blue color & editing to put the emphasis on D.J. & Sabrina while they're singing in the video. There is a lot of movement as well, & not just with the camera angles but the way that's going around D.J. & Sabrina with the changing of the color going from one to another & the texture of the color that looks rough like graphite, then paint splatters, clouds. I also like that the textures going around them is a pattern as well.

Mixed Media-Folk Art-Isabella Kung

 This artist, Isabella Kung has a variety of folk art with color. I chose her & this work because I haven't talked about anything on blogger before with texture. These pieces are 9x12", media unknown. The artist created abstract paintings but with a balance of unity. I like there is so much color on them, you get a feeling of peacefulness, yet it is very fun. Another thing that I really like is even just by looking at these paintings, you can get an idea of what the textures feel like even though you're just looking at the image. I also like her use of pattern of the colors & textures that she uses of swirls, lines, squares, ect. in all of her paintings. Great use of balance.

Carl Warner-Food Photographer

Carl Warner, photographer, born in Liverpool, England 1963. His work consists of "foodscapes" as he likes to call them. And if you look at his images you can see why. His work is of landscapes made up of food! That is something you can just eat up. The pieces are built up on top of a large purpose triangular table top. The scenes are of photographed into layers from foreground then to background. They sky is a process & as he says, very time consuming. The food surfers from, because it wilts under the lights. But, each elements i then put together in post production so they can finally get the beautiful image that so much is put into it. "Although I’m very hands on with my work, I do use model makers and food stylists to help me create the sets. I tend to start with a drawing which I sketch out in order to get the composition worked out, this acts as a blue print for the team to work to.” I like Carl's work, looking at photography in a new perspective as of landscapes as well. When you look at his pictures, you get the feel of the landscapes, the peaceful, siren feeling as if you were looking at original image as well. Though you probably wouldn't get as hungry looking at the original.

OK Go-Invincible

OK Go's video, Invincible is a 3:31 video that came out June 14, 2006 on MySpace. The video features that band performing in front of different color backgrounds, which are also complementary colors & the designs are of   tessellations which I found to be even more aesthetically pleasing while watching the video. While you are watching the video there is explosions going on as well, which gives you more of a feel for the video. The song is called Invincible, & the way it relates to the explosions is, well sarcastic, because no one, nothing is invincible; even though almost everything in the video isn't that strong or that hard to destroy. Another thing about this video, as you're watching it that I like is you see the band performing in a panel, but in the other on is you see the objects exploding putting the emphasis on two things at once. I've been wanting to talk about them for awhile, now finally had the chance.

Variety Of Rainbows

I wanted to talk about variety of rainbows, colors. I'm still trying to get a better understanding of color theory & how to create that in my work. It isn't easy for me, but I'm on my way. On top, I chose those two because one's a photograph but the one on the right is a painting. And they are very similar, but the painting isn't of the photograph. They're similar based on what they are, but colors are totally different. The photograph is darker, & the colors are more siren. But the painting is brighter & the colors are more juicy. Then the one in between the two is a painting of a boat & the colors are of orange, violet, blue, pink, & green. Totally different than the two above it, but you see so much variety of color & value than the painting to the right above it. Then you see the painting to the bottom left of the boat painting using complementary colors which is what a normal rainbow is. In the painting you see a silhouette of a girl under an umbrella grow stronger of the image from left to right. The background consists of the complementary colors as of water flowing down & the emphasis is of the silhouette. I like to look at different images, paintings, of colors & grasp more of what color theory is & how to create it.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Panic! At The Disco-Ready To Go

Panic! At The Disco, Ready To Go from their third album Vices & Virtues released June 6, 2011 is a 3:22 music video. Through out the video you notice how in the background is dark but you see that the emphasis is on Brenden Urie (the singer/guitarist) & Spencer Smith (drummer) yet the dark shadows on them. And as the video goes on & the band is playing the value on them gets brighter. But then when the band is playing on the roof top their dark but the background around them is brighter so the emphasis is still on them but the light changes. I like how the director still kept it on them but put it in the background. Later on when Brenden Urie is being shot out of the cannon he is being shot in this animated sky which is using complementary colors of orange & blue with yellow as well. I like how the animation of color fits in the video with so much dark in it. And when he lands on the ground & is dancing with people with umbrellas him & some of the other dancers, which are girls are wearing dark colors & have bright umbrellas. But some of the other dancers have both bright color outfits & umbrellas. I think its to keep the emphasis on the girls girls & Brenden as well. I like that settle hint of emphasis as well. I chose this video because its an entertaining video to watch & I didn't really notice all the emphasis & color till I started to think about it. Noticed it one day then decided to talk about it in blogger.

Tim Burton-Frankenweenie

Frankenweenie is a Tim Burton stop motion movie. Its a story about a young boy named Victor who's dog gets hit by a car & dies. He is very sad then in Science class he learns that he resurrect his dog with electricity. This movie is very unique because of the fact that its a black & white 3D stop motion movie, & of course that its a Tim Burton movie as well. The form of each character is unique because they all each have special characteristics. Young Victor looks the most normal but his eyes are emphasized with a slight dark shadow are them. Nassor looks like Frankenstein with his squared head & long face. Weird girl with her oddly cut hair & huge eyes. I have yet to see the movie but from what I can tell you is that each character has there own special thing about them with just by the form of how they're shaped. I chose this because I'm a huge Tim Burton fan, & I love stop motion. And since its almost Halloween, I might as well talked about this great movie.