Sunday, October 28, 2012

Panic! At The Disco-Ready To Go

Panic! At The Disco, Ready To Go from their third album Vices & Virtues released June 6, 2011 is a 3:22 music video. Through out the video you notice how in the background is dark but you see that the emphasis is on Brenden Urie (the singer/guitarist) & Spencer Smith (drummer) yet the dark shadows on them. And as the video goes on & the band is playing the value on them gets brighter. But then when the band is playing on the roof top their dark but the background around them is brighter so the emphasis is still on them but the light changes. I like how the director still kept it on them but put it in the background. Later on when Brenden Urie is being shot out of the cannon he is being shot in this animated sky which is using complementary colors of orange & blue with yellow as well. I like how the animation of color fits in the video with so much dark in it. And when he lands on the ground & is dancing with people with umbrellas him & some of the other dancers, which are girls are wearing dark colors & have bright umbrellas. But some of the other dancers have both bright color outfits & umbrellas. I think its to keep the emphasis on the girls girls & Brenden as well. I like that settle hint of emphasis as well. I chose this video because its an entertaining video to watch & I didn't really notice all the emphasis & color till I started to think about it. Noticed it one day then decided to talk about it in blogger.

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