Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Variety Of Rainbows

I wanted to talk about variety of rainbows, colors. I'm still trying to get a better understanding of color theory & how to create that in my work. It isn't easy for me, but I'm on my way. On top, I chose those two because one's a photograph but the one on the right is a painting. And they are very similar, but the painting isn't of the photograph. They're similar based on what they are, but colors are totally different. The photograph is darker, & the colors are more siren. But the painting is brighter & the colors are more juicy. Then the one in between the two is a painting of a boat & the colors are of orange, violet, blue, pink, & green. Totally different than the two above it, but you see so much variety of color & value than the painting to the right above it. Then you see the painting to the bottom left of the boat painting using complementary colors which is what a normal rainbow is. In the painting you see a silhouette of a girl under an umbrella grow stronger of the image from left to right. The background consists of the complementary colors as of water flowing down & the emphasis is of the silhouette. I like to look at different images, paintings, of colors & grasp more of what color theory is & how to create it.

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