Wednesday, December 5, 2012

TeraBrite-In Honor of Her Heart

This video, In Honor of Her Heart by TeraBrite (D.J. Monopli & Sabrina Abu-Obied) is a 3:43, released November 15, 2012. I've been wanting to talk about this band for a long time on Blogger & I chose this video in particular because they do a lot of covers, but this is there most recent original, & they take forever with they're original songs, but they came out with this one quick because Gibson guitars just came out with the first guitar that can tune itself, & they asked TeraBrite to create an original song & video using the Gibsion guitar to use to make the song & to show how it works in the video.The last thing I love about this song is that its they're best original so far; its a beautiful song. The video its self uses a lot gray, blue color & editing to put the emphasis on D.J. & Sabrina while they're singing in the video. There is a lot of movement as well, & not just with the camera angles but the way that's going around D.J. & Sabrina with the changing of the color going from one to another & the texture of the color that looks rough like graphite, then paint splatters, clouds. I also like that the textures going around them is a pattern as well.

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